The "Pope-Scope"
Why Would the Vatican Use a Vast Amount of Political Clout and Money to Build a Powerful Telescope and Observatory?
It's true. They "mowed" down Sacred Native American Land AND pulled some fast legal moves to get around some pesky environmental laws so they could kill off some endangered species to build a huge telescope in Arizona. This is THE VATICAN!!!
What's the deal? Did I miss a bible story? ---
"..And He said unto His disciples, "desecrate the holy land of the people with smaller weapons, finish killing off a few more of God's creatures and buildeth a huge telescope. This will give the Pope extra time to learn important stuff before the sheeple in the flock find out so he can change any stories that the Vatican has been falsely spreading for years."
Gee, I hope any superior consciousnessÆ they see in the Vatican telescope is at least a little impressed with the Pope's hat...
By the way, the Vatican Observatory has a web site at:
Oh yes, they've had their telescope aimed for months now at the comet!